The committee is delighted to grant awards to the following people after our last call for small grants: Bibliographical Resources (Max £200). Zachary Skarka (PhD candidate, University of Birmingham) for The History of the Pauline Corpus in Texts, Transmissions and Trajectories by Chris S. Stevens. Siobhan Jolley (PhD candidate, University of Manchester) for Elisabetta Sirani “Virtuosa”: women’s…
News & Info
Prof. Judith Kovacs
We are saddened to learn of the death of Prof. Judith Kovacs, Associate Professor Emerita of the University of Virginia. She published widely in New Testament and Patristics, including books on Clement’s Exegesis, and Revelation in the Wiley Blackwell Reception series. She will be missed.
Dr John Muddiman
We are saddened to hear news of the death of one of our long-standing members, Dr John Muddiman, aged 73. Dr Muddiman was formerly G.B. Caird Fellow of New Testament at Mansfield College, Oxford. Among his many publications was his commentary on Ephesians. He will be missed.
More BNTS Small Grants
We have announced a new round of grants from the Society’s reserves to projects which advance “education through study of and research into the New Testament and related writings” in the UK (from our Constitution). This round, given the current library access issues, we are welcoming applications for essential bibliographical resources from members not in full…
2020 BNTS General Meeting Minutes Available
The minutes from the general meeting of the 2020 BNTS conference are now available to download in pdf form (here)
BNTS 2020 Graham Stanton Memorial Lecture Available
The BNTS 2020 Graham Stanton Memorial Lecture, delivered by Prof. Hugh Houghton, is available here: The lecture is entitled ‘New Light on the Oldest New Testament Catena Manuscript’. Below is an abstract: Two hundred years ago on the island of Zakynthos, the British and Foreign Bible Society was presented with a manuscript which turned…
BNTS Plenary Paper Open to the Public
The British New Testament Society is delighted to announce that one of our plenary papers will be freely available on Zoom to anyone who wishes to hear it. This will be by Professor Hugh Houghton of the University of Birmingham, on ‘New Light on the Oldest New Testament Catena Manuscript’. The abstract is below. It will…
BNTS 2020 Registration Now Open
The BNTS 2020 conference registration is now open. This year’s conference is being hosted fully online by Durham University. For more information on plenary papers, seminar papers and panels, and to register, please visit the Registration and Programme Page. Please note registration closes at midnight (in whatever time zone you wish!) on Wed 12 Aug.
Guidelines for Proposing a New Seminar Group
The following information is also available to download in two formats: .docx and .pdf. PROPOSING A NEW SEMINAR GROUP Seminars The seminars are at the heart of the British New Testament Society’s work. They provide a forum for presentation and discussion of research by established scholars and research students. Over the years the number and…
Durham Conference 2020: update
Dear colleagues, Your committee has been carefully monitoring the situation concerning the pandemic in relation to our scheduled British NT Society conference in Durham in September 2020. After careful thought and consultation with the local organising committee in Durham, we have agreed, with considerable regret, that it is wisest to cancel the in-person conference in…