- Siobhán Jolley
- Tom de Bruin:
This seminar group invites research that analyses the reception of the New Testament from antiquity to present and/or that focusses on the application of critical theory to the study of the New Testament. Work in this area incorporates the critical exploration of New Testament texts, contexts, and contents in media and culture, or the discussion of theoretical methods or critical theories relation to the New Testament itself or the field of New Testament studies more broadly. Reception is understood in the widest possible sense to include research engaging the visual arts and art history, film studies, musicology and other popular media, but also historically oriented research concerned with the use and influence of New Testament texts. Critical theories and methods of interest include (but are not limited to) work which engages postcolonialism, intersectional feminisms, queer theory, disability studies or the works of significant theorists. We particularly welcome perspectives that are often marginalized, silenced, or elided within traditional biblical scholarship.