We have announced a new round of grants from the Society’s reserves to projects which advance “education through study of and research into the New Testament and related writings” in the UK (from our Constitution).
This round, given the current library access issues, we are welcoming applications for essential bibliographical resources from members not in full time academic posts.
As in previous rounds, we also welcome applications for travel and conference costs for a BNTS seminar presenter from abroad (covid dependent); public engagement events highlighting the work of NT scholarship; support for the ongoing research of independent scholars; any activity undertaken for the benefit of the Society.
Deadlines: Applications should be submitted no later than Monday 14th December 2020
How to apply: Funding applications should be submitted to secretary@bnts.org.uk. Please send a single-page Word document.
Requests for bibliographical resources should not exceed 300 words and should include: 1) an explanation of why the resource in question is needed; 2) how it will contribute to the research project; 3) what the overall project is.
These grants will be a maximum of £200, unless a strong case is made for more. Evidence of purchase will be required from successful applicants.
Requests for all other activities should not exceed 500 words and should include: 1) an account of the proposed activity and its feasibility; 2) a statement explaining how the proposed activity will enhance the work of the Society; 3) details of the likely costs.
These grants are an indicative maximum of £500, although applications for larger sums will be considered if sufficient supporting evidence is provided.
Deadlines: Applications should be submitted no later than Monday 14th December 2020, and should relate to activities scheduled for no later than May 2022. Applications will be assessed by the Secretary, the Treasurer, and the President in the first instance, and their recommendations will then be passed on to other Committee members for consideration and scrutiny. In the event of an application from a member of the Committee, they will play no part in the overall assessment process. In addition, a Committee member will play no part in assessing a specific application in the case of a conflict of interest. Applicants will be informed of the outcome of their applications within ten days of the closing date.
Members of the Society are most welcome to seek the advice of the Secretary or another member of the Committee before finalizing their submission.
Increased resources give us a great opportunity to broaden the scope of our activities. We look forward to receiving your imaginative proposals.