Formally New Testament & Second Temple Judaism Group
- Yael Fisch
- J. Thomas Hewitt
Jewish and Christian cultural production—both literary and material—are entangled phenomena in the Second Temple period and beyond. This seminar focuses on the analysis of that entanglement in terms of common scriptural and ritual traditions, convergent interpretative practices, shared discourses and values, ambiguous ‘Jewish–Christian’ provenance, mutual responses, and competing claims. Further, this seminar explores not only how the study of ancient Judaism elucidates Christian origins, but also the inverse—how early Christian literature and artefacts can illuminate Jewish texts and material culture. We welcome research relating to any aspect of ancient Jewish literary and material culture (e.g., Pseudepigrapha, Dead Sea Scrolls, Josephus, Rabbinic literature, paratextual phenomena, art, architecture, etc.), studied either on its own terms or in relation to early Christianity.